Sunday, June 2, 2013


Maybe it's because it has been raining so much, but I wanted pretty blue nails. I did these and imagine bubbles when I look at them

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Now you sea me

So I decided after posting my horrible nails I had to paint them. I used L'OREAL's now you see me. It it pretty and covered my nails nicely with two coats. I bought it a few weeks ago and got it for super cheap at Rite Aid! I have found Rite Aid has some pretty awesome sales and clearances on nail polished. Where do you find you deals on polish?

Old nail designs

To try and redeem myself from the horrible picture before this are a few pictures of my nails looking much better and more polished!
These are old pictures of nail art I have done prior to this.
Sorry some of the pictures aren't great. Atm my camera isn't working so I am using my phone. That will change shortly

My current nails

Hi I'm Maggie I'm 22 and recently have become somewhat obsessed with nail art. Sadly I had a huge chemistry exam and *gasp* bit my thumbnail off. I haven't bitten my nails in awhile and was horrified
I had to cut them all and painted them black sadly during a different class I got bored and picked some of the polish off.
Needless to say they now look horrible, so I will use today as a starting point for the blog and it can only get better from here. this a picture of them at this moment